Employee Benefit Plan 审计 Quality Center Mission

The Center is a voluntary membership organization for firms that perform or are interested in performing ERISA employee benefit plan audits. Employee benefit plan audits include pension, 卫生和福利, and 401(k) plans subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) under the regulatory authority of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). The Center was established to promote the quality of employee benefit plan audits. 

为了实现这一目标, the Center has created a community of firms that demonstrate a commitment to employee benefit audit quality, and supports those firms by: 

  • Providing members with timely communication of regulatory developments, best practices guidance, 技术更新.
  • Maintaining relationships with, and acting as a liaison to, the DOL on behalf of member firms.
  • Providing information about the Center’s activities to other employee benefit plan stakeholders.

The Center is governed by an 执行委员会 that establishes general policies of the Center and oversees its activities. It also establishes the requirements for membership in the Center as necessary, subject to 188bet亚洲真人体育下载 Board of Director’s approval.

The increasing complexity of employee benefit plan auditing and increased scrutiny by the DOL have resulted in a significant number of changes and issues for auditing firms and CPAs in general. Firms and CPAs will benefit from the assistance of the Center as a resource for improving employee benefit plan audit quality.  
