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Nov 06, 2023 · 4 min read
  • Natalya Abdrasilova,188bet亚洲真人体育下载网址/ABV被评为年度商业评估志愿者.

  • Howard Silverstone, CPA/CFF was named the Forensic & Litigation Services Volunteer of the Year.

  • 9名年龄在40岁或以下的优秀法证估价服务员和法证估价服务员获颁“法证估价服务奖”.

LAS VEGAS (November 7, 2023) -美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载在2023年美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载期间表彰了11位金融专业人士的贡献 & CIMA Forensic and Valuation Services Conference held in Las Vegas in November. AICPA, 作为国际注册专业188bet亚洲真人体育下载(简称AICPA)的一部分 & CIMA), 主办本次年度会议,为业界提供有关新技术的前沿信息和高质量的交流机会.

每年,美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载都会表彰为实践和专业做出贡献的志愿者. 该奖项突出了对法医学、会计和商业估值领域进步的重大贡献. This year, Natalya Abdrasilova and Howard Silverstone were named as Volunteers of the Year, while nine young finance professionals received the Forensic and Valuation Services (FVS) Standing Ovation award.

2023 Business Valuation Volunteer of the Year - Natalya Abdrasilova, CPA/ABV

Natalya has been working in the public accounting arena for twenty years, providing forensic, valuation, litigation, 为各行各业提供税务服务,并为各种估值和诉讼事项作证. 目前,她是Boyle, Deveny的估值和诉讼服务总监 & Meyer, PC in Missoula, MT.

“Natalya在商业评估委员会工作了三年,积极参与了无数项目, helping to support AICPA initiatives,” said Mark Smith, director of valuation services for AICPA & CIMA. “She has also stepped up on numerous occasions to help on advocacy efforts, where her expertise in the complicated area of ESOPs has been invaluable.”

Natalya多年来一直致力于会计和金融行业. 她曾在美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的商业估值委员会任职三年,并在美国注册188bet亚洲真人体育下载的馈赠和遗产税实践援助的商业估值的更新共同领导. 她还担任了一个特别小组成员,开发一个以遗产和礼物为重点的资源页面, presented multiple sessions at the last three FVS Conferences, worked with the U.S. Department of Labor to help inform constituents about ESOP valuation matters, and appeared as an FVS podcast guest.

2023 Forensic & Litigation Services Volunteer of the Year - Howard Silverstone, CPA/CFF

Howard has nearly 40 years of professional experience, 在美国和英国担任法务会计师, where he holds the titles of U.S. CPA and Chartered Accountant (England and Wales). 他目前是法务和调查会计公司forensic Resolutions, Inc .的董事. in Westmont, N.J.
Currently, Howard serves as a member of the AICPA’s Forensic & Valuation Services Executive Committee, 此前曾在金融取证认证委员会(CFF)和法医委员会任职 & Litigation Services (FLS) Committee. He has played an instrumental role in a number of FVS Section initiatives, including: authoring and serving as a subject matter expert for the AICPA Fraud Investigations course; speaking frequently at the annual Forensic & Valuation Services Conference; participating in webcasts and fireside chats; and playing a pivotal role in the development and launch of the FVS Eye on Fraud Quarterly Report in 2016.

“霍华德在多个委员会任职期间,对该专业的广泛知识和承诺,在推进法医和估值服务领域的利益方面发挥了重要作用,” said Barbara Andrews, director of forensics and technology advisory services for the AICPA & CIMA. “他对帮助他人有着真诚的热情,并为开发关键成员资源带来了创新的方法.”

Standing Ovation Program

The Standing Ovation Program 认可持有金融取证认证(CFF)或商业估值认证(ABV®)专业证书的年轻专业人士,这些专业人士表现出堪称典范的个人成就. The recipients in this year’s class were honored during the AICPA & CIMA Forensic and Valuation Services Conference. They were recognized for their efforts to advance their fields, including volunteering at various nonprofit organizations, speaking to local CPA groups, 担任法律组织的志愿专家,并在大学会计课程中担任客座讲师.

“我们为那些因其杰出贡献和坚持不懈的教育而获得著名的FVS起立鼓掌奖的杰出人士鼓掌,” said Andrews.


The 2023 list of FVS Standing Ovation recipients is in alphabetical order below:

  • Katie Brown, CPA/CFF — Huselton, Morgan & Maultsby, P.C., Dallas, TX

  • Nathan Dean, CPA/CFF/ABV — FTI Consulting, Inc., Los Angeles, CA

  • Christopher Draney, CPA/CFF — BRG, Alpine, UT

  • Rachel Gillilan, CPA/CFF — Red Bike Advisors, Wilmington, NC

  • Jackson Jewkes, CPA/ABV — Lone Peak Valuation Group, Lehi, UT

  • Robert J. Nowlin, Jr., CPA/CGMA/CFF/ABV — Ankura Consulting Group, LLC, Chicago, IL

  • Trevor Shaw, CPA/CFF/ABV — Withum, Princeton, NJ

  • Scott Sievers, CPA/ABV — The McLean Group, McLean, VA

  • Christopher Wenrich, CPA/ABV — Wilke CPAs & Advisors, LLP, Pittsburgh, PA

此外还以法务会计和企业估值科为代表, “起立鼓掌计划”还表彰在个人理财规划(PFP)和技术咨询服务领域表现出杰出成就的年轻金融专业人士。.

我们鼓励商业伙伴或经理代表被提名人提交申请, 申请人可以自我提名,并附上合伙人或经理的推荐信. 起立鼓掌提名者必须在40岁或以下,提名可以在 AICPA & CIMA website.

About AICPA & CIMA,即国际注册专业188bet亚洲真人体育下载

AICPA® & CIMA®, 共同成为国际注册专业188bet亚洲真人体育下载(协会), 通过我们代表698的工作,推动全球会计和金融行业的发展,000 AICPA and CIMA members, candidates and engaged professionals in 188 countries and territories. Together, 通过倡导,我们是公共和管理会计问题的全球领导者, support for the CPA license, the CGMA designation and specialized credentials, professional education and thought leadership. 我们通过赋予会员权力和专业人士知识和机会来建立信任,使他们成为扩大繁荣的领导者,以实现更具包容性的繁荣, sustainable and resilient future.


Contact: Veronica L. Vera

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