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2003-2010 Investment Companies Expert Panel meeting highlights

Feb 19, 2020 · 2 MB Download



The Investment Companies Expert Panel serves the needs of AICPA members on financial and business[WS1] reporting and audit and attest matters related to investment companies. The expert panel protects the public interest by bringing together knowledgeable parties in the investment companies and investment management industry to deliberate and come to agreement on key issues.

The following are highlights from the Investment Companies Expert Panel meetings held between 2003 and 2010. During portions of those meetings, the members of the Expert Panel also met with the SEC staff for the Division of Investment Management.

These highlights were prepared by the AICPA Investment Companies Expert Panel and AICPA staff who attended the meeting and do not purport to be a transcript of the matters discussed. The views attributed to the SEC staff are informal views of one or more of the staff members present, do not constitute an official statement of the views of the Commission or of the staff of the Commission and should not be relied upon as authoritative.

Download the inv-expertpanel-minutes-2003-2010-archive

File name: inv-expertpanel-minutes-2003-2010-archive.pdf

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