Accounting is STEM

Accountants harness math and develop technology to solve complex issues, empower communities, and drive trust in financial markets. Learn about ongoing efforts to recognize accounting as a STEM field and expose more students to the profession’s possibilities.

STEM toolkit

Help introduce the next generation to a career in accounting by advocating for federal STEM designation. Our toolkit includes outreach materials, explainer articles, social media posts, infographics, and more.

STEM toolkit

Help introduce the next generation to a career in accounting by advocating for federal STEM designation. Our toolkit includes outreach materials, explainer articles, social media posts, infographics, and more.

Building a strong foundation

Digital tools continue to transform how the workforce tackles a range of challenges. From data analytics to machine learning, accountants increasingly use STEM skills to improve audits, assess fraud risk, and automate business processes, among other services. Learn about ongoing advocacy efforts and why accounting should be designated as an official STEM field.

Recognizing accounting programs

Nearly 60 schools have already received federal STEM designation for their graduate accounting programs.

Recognizing accounting programs

Nearly 60 schools have already received federal STEM designation for their graduate accounting programs.

Preparing tomorrow’s workforce

99% of accounting firms say STEM-related skills like data analysis and critical thinking are vital for new hires.

Preparing tomorrow’s workforce

99% of accounting firms say STEM-related skills like data analysis and critical thinking are vital for new hires.

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